How to Pack Fragile Items for Moving Like a Professional Mover

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Reading Time: 8 minutes

Getting packed for a move is the most daunting task related to the process, and packing fragile items for moving especially so. Because they are so delicate and break easily, you have to know how to pack fragile items for moving before you embark on the task. When you know how to do it right, you will be able to ensure that all of your breakables arrive at your destination without even a scratch.

The technique of packaging fragile items remains the same whether you are on a long-distance move or just relocating to a home in a nearby neighborhood. If we take into account that an average American moves around 11.7 times in life and that moving fragile items stays the same no matter the distance – you may as well learn how to do it now. And these movers in Orange County come bringing tips, so you know how to do it like a pro.

How to Pack Fragile Items for Moving?

The packaging process is the most nerve-wracking part of a move, and the question of how to package fragile items for shipping is what bugs most people. There are many kinds of delicate objects each one of us has in our home. Some are more expensive than others, but we take it that you would like to save all of them and not add unnecessary expenses to your already burdened expenses checklist. That’s why it’s important to take your time and learn proper packing techniques. And today, we, professional movers in Orange County, CA, will teach you how to wrap fragile items and move them like a pro. So, check out these cool tips.

a couple in a room filled with unpacked boxes after a move
Get ready for boxing things up

Take Your Time – Don’t Rush It

When dealing with breakables, you want to make sure everything is done right and not rush it. That’s why it’s important to figure out what you will do with each one of your delicate objects and put learning these techniques on the top of your to-do list. And when you begin with the process, give yourself enough time and ensure everything else is out of the way. Rushing into this task will allow for some mistake or simply – the job won’t be done as meticulously as it should.

That is the first of our tips, to plan this ahead even though you will be boxing up most, if not all, of your breakables last. You will want to keep those plates and glasses for eating and drinking, and the TV – well, that one is usually the last thing to go in a box. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think and prepare for these objects to get their turn – quite the contrary. These are the ones you will have to prepare for the most and the ones you will most want to protect due to how delicate they are. And, hey, who wouldn’t want to protect their flat-screen TV? Those are expensive nowadays.

clock, photo frames and boxes in an empty room
Start timely, so you don’t have to rush it

What’s the Best Packing Material?

Another thing you should do before you even set this process in motion is to learn what the best packing supplies are and get them. There are different types of boxes, and when dealing with breakables, it’s better to stay away from the free or cheap cardboard ones. Investing in good, sturdy boxes or dish racks is a good idea, as it will guarantee the safety of your possessions during storage or transit. Another important factor is using lots of soft padding – it will keep every single item protected. So, what kind of packing material do you need?

The Best Packing Material for Fragile Items

Let’s start with boxes. When it comes to them, the rule of thumb is – the sturdier, the better. That means that you should keep those thin cardboard boxes you collected from stores or restaurants for clothes and other lighter objects. Use sturdy boxes and dish racks instead, don’t risk it.

Better safe than sorry is the rule that applies here, and investing in good equipment is worth it. You can order the sturdy packaging from Amazon or check at your local hardware store. You can even ask your relocation company if they sell packing supplies – they will be able to further assist you with what box is a perfect fit for each of your possessions. You will also need these supplies:

  • Paper,
  • Bubble wrap,
  • Peanuts,
  • Pliable cardboard,
  • Plastic wrap,
  • Scissors,
  • Tape,
  • Styrofoam edge protectors,
  • Marker.

What to Use to Pack Fragile Items? Free Alternatives

If you don’t feel like spending a lot of money on these supplies, there are some free alternatives you can turn to instead. These are the things you already have at home. For example, you don’t have to buy bubble wrap and paper for padding. Take linen, towels, or even T-shirts instead. They provide great cushioning, and you will also save on space as you won’t have to package these separately. You will also save some money, and it’s good for the environment. When it comes to the package itself – it’s better to stick to dish racks as this is the one thing you don’t want to save money on.

couple unpacking plates from the box, after relocation
Plastic and papers are great padding providers, but there are alternatives

How to Wrap Fragile Items?

Now, there are different types of breakables, but one thing is sure – you will want to wrap each item individually, no matter the kind of it. So, if you are wrapping figurines or vases – you will likely box them up individually as well. So, it goes without saying. Even if you are stacking multiple plates or dishes on top of each other, you will still need to cover each one of them individually if you want to pack efficiently. That’s the easiest and the only way to ensure nothing gets damaged, as these objects can scratch each other in storage or transit. You can cover them in a paper, bubble wrap, towels, or linen – whichever you prefer.

How Do You Pack Fragile Figurines?

When it comes to any oddly-shaped delicate objects like figurines, vases, and objects like that – package those separately. These are usually either valuable or hold sentimental value – either way, you want to keep on to them. But before you place each one in its box, you should properly prepare it. How do you wrap a fragile object? First, cover it completely in bubble wrap and secure it with tape. Then, take out the cardboard, place it on top of the item and bend it to the other end. Secure with tape once again, and be generous. Then, put it in a box about the same size. Fill any empty spaces with peanuts or paper, so there’s no wiggle room.

A figurine in a moving box
Properly protect your figurines before boxing them up

Use Cardboard Dividers for Glasses

When you come to the issue of how to pack glasses, you should approach this task very cautiously as glasses are very delicate. That’s why it’s extremely important to protect the glasses by placing them in a box with cardboard dividers between them. Or you can make them out of pliable cardboard. Either way, separate each glass. But, before, make sure that each is adequately wrapped with paper, including the empty space inside. Then, put some more cushioning between and all around the glasses, so they stay still during transport and avoid damages.

Cardboard dividers in the box
Get cardboard dividers or create your own

How to Pack Plates for Moving?

When you pack plates, you can stack them up. Still, it’s essential that each plate is adequately protected, so they don’t scratch each other. Wash them up before boxing them up and let them dry since moisture can lead to mold development, or it can compromise the integrity of the cardboard. First, secure the outside seam of the box with tape and put lots of papers at the bottom to create protective padding.

Cover each plate with several papers and stack them on top of each other. Another thing worth noting here is that you should place them in the box vertically like you would in a washer or dryer. Also, it’s likely that you will place more of the kitchenware together, go with the golden rule of relocation hacks (and just the law of physics) – heavier things should go on the bottom and the lighter ones on top.

How Do You Pack Pots and Pans for Moving?

After your moving-away party, you should wash and dry all your pots and pans. The same thing as with packing dishesyou don’t want any moisture remaining or even dust particles scratching the sensitive pans. Plus, you want to have clean pots and pans when you move in. So, get them ready, then separate the lids.

Prepare the package in the same way you did for plates, and then cover each pot or pan in several papers. You can stack them one on top of the other – just make sure the handles are aligned. You can then put some dry food inside or smaller things and place the lids separately, also wrapped. Then add a bunch of papers to fill up the package and seal it.

pieces of a cardboard in the moving box
 Fill the package with papers or some other padding material

How to Pack Electronics?

When you are on your way to a new home in one of the safest cities in Orange County, you will probably want to save your TV for last. It is a source of entertainment for the whole family after all and an excellent way to spend your breaks from all the relocation tasks. When it’s time for the TV to get all boxed up, it would be best if you kept the original package it came in.

But, let’s face it – you haven’t, and now you don’t know what to do with it. Don’t worry – there are these special TV kits that even come with styrofoam edge protectors. Cover the TV with towels or linen, place the protectors on the edges, cover it in plastic and then put it in the package.

Moving Electronics Without the Original Box or Kit

If you don’t want to buy a kit, you can use a dish rack or a sturdy box. It should be a little larger than your TV. Again, cover the TV in a protective blanket or linen and be generous with the layers. Then put plastic wrapping around for protection and slide it into the package.

Can you move a TV without a box? If you are not going far away, you can cover it in linen and plastic and then take it with you in your car. But, if you are using the services of Orange County movers and you intend to load it on a truck – use a box. Take a look at yet another way to pack your TV without a box.

How Do I Protect My Fragile Packages? Label Each Box for Storage or Shipping

If you don’t want your precious china or expensive champagne glasses to end up under the books, you have got to label the packages with delicate things. When you seal each one, get that marker out – it’s its turn to shine. Write ‘FRAGILE’ on top and the sides of each package so you and your local movers in Orange County, CA, know to handle it with extra care. This will be of great help to the crew handling your move as well, and in the end – all your breakables will arrive at your new home intact.

mover holding a package with fragile items
Labeling is an important step you shouldn’t skip

Contact Our Company for Help Every Step of the Way

If you need the services of a relocation company on your way to some of the best places to live in Orange County, CA, you can contact us anytime. Our Orange County, CA movers offer packing services if you need help with this. Hire our company so you avoid relocation scams, and all your belongings arrive safely at your new home.

We will remind you not to forget the most commonly forgotten things to pack and move your piano, so you don’t have to deal with it. We cover residential moves, as well, and there aren’t many items our movers won’t move. Contact us for a free quote, and if it looks good to you – book your slot with us.

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